If you liked "Diary of a Wimpy Kid," you might like...
For all of those wimpy kid fans waiting for the next installment (releasing on November 5th), you might try one of these books in the meantime: The Strange Case of Origami Yoda Sixth-grader Tommy and his friends describe their interactions with a paper finger puppet of Yoda , worn by their weird classmate Dwight, as they try to figure out whether or not the puppet can really predict the future. Agnes Parker - Girl in Progress As she starts in the sixth grade, Agnes faces challenges with her old best friend, a longtime bully, a wonderful new classmate and neighbor, and herself. Joey Pigza Series To the constant disappointment of his mother and his teachers, Joey has trouble paying attention or controlling his mood swings when his prescription meds wear off and he starts getting worked up and acting wired. Dork Diaries Fourteen-year-old Nikki Maxwell writes and sketches in her diary about her struggle to be popular at her exclusive new private school, an...