
Showing posts from May, 2020

J.K. Rowling Releasing New Book Online

Check out JK Rowling's new book for young adults, " The Ikabog ."  Rowling is publishing this book online, a few chapters at a time, over the next seven weeks.   In her words, " It isn’t Harry Potter and it doesn’t include magic. This is an entirely different story."  Rowling's publishers are sponsoring a contest to illustrated the book when it is published in hard copy.  Check out those details here .  

The One and Only Bob by Katherine Applegate

The One and Only Ivan is the beautiful story of Ivan, the gorilla who lived in a shopping mall.  In that story, we also met his friend Bob, the spunky little dog.  Now, we can learn more about Bob in Katherine Applegate's sequel: The One and Only Bob , which was published on May 5th.  I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this book!  Until then, check out these links: Read more about the backstory for this book in this article from The Washington Post. Listen to an excerpt from the book (read by actor Danny DiVito): First Chapter And check out a book trailer: